Sound Massage

What happens during a sound massage

Sound massage involves the use of special instruments to create sounds and vibrations to promote physical and emotional well-being. During a sound massage, you will remain fully clothed and be lying down on a yoga mat.

Tibetan singing blows of various sizes and notes will be placed on certain parts of your body (back and front) as well as around you. The bowls will be struck with mullets to produce sounds and vibrations. These will be gentle and subtle, to relax your body and mind.

The sound waves will massage the body internally to promote deep relaxation and help with restoration and rejuvenation. The vibrations will penetrate your body to gently shake out restrictions and blockages of your natural energy. Your body will release endorphins, the feel-good hormones to boost your well-being.

After the sound massage is finished, there will be a moment of silence after which a Koshi bell will be used to gently ground and awaken you.

Benefits of sound massage
Sound has been and continues to be used by various cultures throughout the world as a complementary therapy. The benefits of sound massage are very individual to each person and can include:
  • Eased stress, anxiety, anger, irritability, tension
  • Increased focus, clarity, productivity and creativity
  • Enhanced feelings of calmness, joy, harmony and grounding 
  • Soothed fatigue, discomfort, and pain 
  • Balanced energy levels and emotions
  • Boosted immune and other systems within the body 
  • Improved sleep quality 
  • Reduced inflammation and swelling 
The sound massage session will involve creating waves of sounds and vibrations using Tibetan singing bowls. This might be inadvisable if you have certain medical conditions, such as sound-induced epilepsy, tinnitus, ménière's, severe or clinical mental health problems, heart conditions, or are pregnant. If you’re unsure whether you should participate in the sound bath because of your health, please consult your doctor. 

Fees and bookings

A sound massage session can be booked for 30 minutes at £45 and 60 minutes at £60. To book please contact me.

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